All Sunday Worship Programs

日期 题目 讲员 圣餐
2018-01-14 BBC 異象 Vision Sunday Senior Pastor Mike Glenn No /
2018-01-07 失而又得 He was lost and is found 张国东 弟兄 No /
2017-12-17 耶稣 - 偉大的禮物 Jesus - The Great Gift 张谦 弟兄 No /
2017-12-10 在东方看见他的星 His star has been seen in the east 张国东 弟兄 No /
2017-12-03 耶穌 - 萬王之王 Jesus - King of kings Eric Pan Yes /
2017-11-26 凡事謝恩 Give Thanks in All Circumstances 张谦 弟兄 No /
2017-11-19 和睦的真谛 The Essence of Unity 张联光 牧师 No /
2017-11-12 魔鬼的试探 The devil, the tempter 张国东 弟兄 No /
2017-11-05 全备福音 THE WHOLE GOSPEL Scott Harris No /
2017-10-29 连线 Connecting the Dots 张谦 弟兄 No /
2017-10-22 得著真智慧 Gaining the True Wisdom Pastor Paul Lin Yes /
2017-10-15 勇于承担 Courage to Lead 张国东 弟兄 No /
2017-10-08 门徒们的恼怒 The indignant disciples 张国东 弟兄 No /
2017-10-01 受邀与主同行 Invited along with Jesus Jason Dukes No /
2017-09-24 受主差遣的教会 The Church Scattered Dr. Steve Cretin, a missionary to China No /