All Sunday Worship Programs

日期 题目 讲员 圣餐
2017-08-27 基督的大使命 THE COMMISSION OF CHRIST Tim Chen No /
2017-08-20 明瞭你的身份與呼召 Clarifying Your Identity and Calling Eric Pan No /
2017-08-13 属灵传承人生 Spiritual Heritage Pastor Paul Lin No /
2017-08-06 疾病與醫治 Disease and Healing David Chung No /
2017-07-30 第二次按手 Put His Hands on Again 张国东 弟兄 Yes /
2017-07-23 与神同在的人生 ─ 基督徒的成长历程 Life with God - the Way 张谦 弟兄 No /
2017-07-16 成为耶稣祷告的回应 Becoming an Answer to Jesus' Prayer 张国东 弟兄 No /
2017-07-09 我不以為恥 I Am Not Ashamed Pastor Tim Chen No /
2017-07-02 傳揚福音 Communicating the Gospel Pastor Chung No /
2017-06-25 言行 Deeds and Words Eric Pan No /
2017-06-18 教会的使命:兴旺福音 Purpose of the Church: Advancing the Gospel Mark Harvey No /
2017-06-11 从挫折到回归 From Setback to Comeback Tyler Browning No /
2017-06-04 被差遣教会的节奏 The Rhythms of a Sent Church 張國東 Yes /
2017-05-28 上帝的右手 God's Right Hand Jim Harvey No /
2017-05-21 被差遣的生命節奏 Rhythms of a Sent Life: Being Pastor Chung No /